March 2022
Light Shining Old & New Order, & Beachy
Friday, March 11, 2022
  Today I think it would be good for us to revisit evangelism among the Amish. And by Amish, I want us to consider the ways of the Old Order, New Order, and the Beachy Amish. I talked about this topic last summer here on this blog (Do the Amish Recruit? Why or Why Not?), but I want to dive a little bit deeper into it this time, and focus on the specific groups to a somewhat separate degree. Let's revisit this whole area of discussion and look at it. Particularly, today, let’s compare the practices of these three groups of Amish, and see how they go about recruiting others. We will also, in between all this discussion, consider how the lifestyles conceivably gear each group toward those ways, from upbringing to the living out of daily life.
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